The Physicians Association For Nutrition

The global movement for healthy and sustainable nutrition

Our Mission

The Physicians Association for Nutrition (PAN) is an international NGO on a mission to eliminate diet-related deaths globally. By making nutrition a core part of healthcare and by engaging health professionals in efforts towards healthy and sustainable food environments we are advancing the food transformation needed to mitigate the three largest global health crises: chronic disease, climate change and pandemic risk. Find out more about what we at PAN are doing about this below.

Nutrition and Individual Health

Noncommunicable diseases are the fundamental crisis of modern healthcare. Heart disease, obesity, type 2 diabetes and other chronic diseases are responsible for most premature deaths. Globally, the most important risk factor for the development of these diseases is poor nutrition.

Nutrition and Planetary Health

The effects of the rising global temperature pose the greatest threats to human health including more frequent natural disasters, food and water scarcity, rising sea levels, civil conflicts and new infectious diseases. The world needs to shift to plant-based diets  in order to reach climate goals.

Nutrition and Pandemic Risk

Three-quarters of emerging infectious diseases in humans are caused by zoonotic pathogens. Land-use change for animal agriculture is one of the main drivers of emergence and acute zoonotic pandemic risk continues to rise. Plant-based nutrition significantly reduces this destruction. 

Making better physicians

Ready to improve your nutrition knowledge?

Sign up for the PAN Academy and take our free online courses on nutrition science.

Module #3 Evaluation of Nutrition Studies

This module includes 6 video lessons with quizzes and practical exercises. It teaches you how to read and interpret nutrition science. And how to use it to make informed evidence-based decisions.

Making better physicians

Ready to improve your nutrition knowledge?

Sign up to the PAN Academy and take our free online courses on nutrition science.

Module #3 Evaluation of Nutrition Studies

This module includes 6 video lessons with quizzes and practical exercises. It teaches you how to read and interpret nutrition science. And how to use it to make informed evidence-based decisions.


“Poor diets are responsible for one in five deaths globally.”

~ Health effects of dietary risks in 195 countries, 1990–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017

"Meeting the 1.5°C target requires rapid and ambitious changes to food systems (…)"

~ Clark MA et. al. Global food system emissions could preclude achieving the 1.5° and 2°C climate change targets. Science, 2020

About PAN

PAN was established in March 2018 to be the international medical network implementing plant-based nutrition in healthcare. With global synergies and pragmatic approaches, we are in the midst of creating the long-awaited food transformation.


We provide educational resources and events for medical students and health professionals covering key topics and the latest research findings about the preventative and therapeutic potential of nutrition.


We give health professionals and individuals the practical tools to optimally support dietary change for individual and planetary health.


We engage like-minded health professionals, volunteers and policy-makers in activities towards healthy and sustainable food policies and food environments.


We provide educational resources and events for medical students and health professionals covering key topics and the latest research findings about the preventative and therapeutic potential of nutrition.


We give health professionals and individuals the practical tools to optimally support dietary change for individual and planetary health.


We engage like-minded health professionals, volunteers and policy-makers in activities towards healthy and sustainable food policies and food environments.


Together, we are making a difference


Join the PAN Academy online learning platform


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Together, we are making a difference


Together, we are making a difference


Join the PAN Academy online learning platform


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Together, we are making a difference

Quick Links

PAN Academy

The PAN Academy is an online learning platform offering free, on-demand educational courses for medical students, physicians and healthcare professionals. Anyone who would like to improve their nutrition knowledge can check out the available video lessons and courses.

PAN University

Nutrition education in university curricula is lacking. Medical students are the physicians of tomorrow who will have a real impact on the future of healthcare. All medical students should be knowledgeable about nutrition. We created PAN University Groups for this reason.

PAN Worldwide

We have established national branches in countries around the world including across Europe, Israel, South Africa and the USA. Are you interested in getting involved in an existing national branch or founding one in your own country? Check out which countries we operate in.


We strive to make positive changes to how nutrition is viewed in the medical community. We believe in the power of a collective mindset and our shared responsibility to work together. Find out the different ways you can support PAN and get involved.

PAN Events

We hold regular webinars in English and in German on various topics surrounding nutrition and medicine. Check out our events calendar for upcoming webinars from PAN presenters as well as international guest speakers who are experts in their fields.

Get in Touch

If you’d like to get involved with the Physicians Association for Nutrition in another way that is not listed here, please drop us an email and we’d be happy to discuss the options with you.